Improving the flow of urban life

We have the perfect solutions for your building.

Fill out the form below and a KONE representative will be in touch.

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Please notice, that when you submit this form, we will be collecting your personal data. For more information about personal data processing, please see our Privacy Statement.

Need to get in contact with us?

Elevator & Door service enquiries

You can contact our dedicated Customer Service and Admin team for all your elevator and door service needs, as well as general enquiries.

13 KONE (13 56 63) or email us at

Our offices

KONE has service centers and sales offices across Australia and New Zealand.

For general enquiries, account information and invoicing-related questions, please contact your local branch.

Our head office

The head office for KONE Australia and New Zealand features our state of the art Training Academy, R&D Centre and in-house Customer Care Centre.

Address: 185 O’Riordan St, Mascot, NSW 2020
Ph: (02) 9577 7000

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