Riverside Centre | KONE Australia

Continuing to lead the way in intelligent building technology

KONE is proud to partner with The GPT Group to upgrade the lift system of the iconic Riverside Centre. This upgrade provides Riverside Centre with the latest technology in vertical transportation and has been the largest modernisation to date for high rise buildings in Queensland and has been recognised by Elevator World as the 2019 elevator modernisation Project of the Year.


Built in 1986, Riverside Centre was considered ahead of its time in terms of intelligent building technology. 31 years later, the building has taken steps to ensure it continues to stay at the leading edge of innovative building technologies. With 21 lifts to modernise as part of their major capital works project, KONE put together a comprehensive and bespoke modernisation solution to highlight the latest in vertical transportation technologies and features architecturally designed finishes by Harry Seidler & Associates, the original building architect.

  • #Asia
  • #Elevators
  • #Modernisation
  • #New equipment
  • #Office
  • #People flow intelligence

Building facts

  • Building size: 41 floors
  • Developer: The GPT Group
  • Vertical Transport Consultant: Norman Disney Young
  • Architect: Harry Seidler & Associates

KONE solutions

  • 3 KONE MonoSpace® Elevators
  • 17 Regen800 Elevators
  • 1 Resolve 40 Hydro
  • KONE Destination Control System
  • MDE3000+ Overlay
  • KONE eLink Monitoring System with high level output to BMS
  • Pixel Face to Face Emergency Communication
  • Lobby Directory Board Touch Destination Screens interfaced with lifts

Riverside Centre | KONE Australia

img_riverside lift interior

The latest technology

The screens in the passenger lift have been upgraded to touch screens and integrated with the in-car music for better ride comfort. The display panels also allowed for custom fonts and graphics to allow for better communication between the building, tenants and guests. From the back end, enhancements were made to the emergency power and connectivity of the building to improve the efficiency of the building and lift operations.

img_riverside dcs

Tenant comfort

One of the priorities throughout the project was to minimise disruption for tenants and visitors of Riverside Centre – it should not feel like a construction site. The KONE Modernisation team in Brisbane was able to modify existing operating panel buttons into lift identifiers during the overlay period, changed install processes to eliminate hoardings on the ground floor and made use of online tools to reduce the need for large signs and displays.

img_riverside lobby

Project efficiency

The standby goods lift was critical to Riverside Centre’s buildings operation, especially during such a heavy fit-out phase. By using an innovative twin platform installation method, KONE was able to reduce the lifts downtime during the modernisation and allow for the building to maintain its normal day to day operations.


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