KONE was proud to partner with TAFE NSW, undertaking the largest lift upgrade and modernisation project across the government sector in Australia, as part of their Lift Replacement Program, helping to build a TAFE NSW for the future.


The partnership between KONE and TAFE NSW involved replacing 60 lifts across 29 TAFE locations across NSW with KONE’s premium DX Connected Elevators. The upgrade made up more than a quarter of all lifts in the TAFE NSW portfolio - the largest single order of DX elevators globally to date. The monumental upgrade was part of a broader Asset Renewal project, transforming the TAFE NSW network into the next generation of learning environments. KONE’s DX elevators were fitted to ensure campuses are adaptable, industry standard and digitally enabled spaces, and to make training more accessible, convenient and relevant, and able to meet the diverse needs of students and staff for years to come.

  • #Elevators
  • #KEA
  • #Modernisation
  • #Special buildings

60 x KONE DX MonoSpace Lifts

As part of the lift modernisation, KONE applied custom engineered steelwork to strengthen the dated lift shafts, replacing the existing equipment with KONE DX MonoSpace lifts to make use of the building works and surrounds.

The modernisation of TAFE NSW’s lifts has significantly improved the accessibility at TAFE NSW campuses, providing greater convenience for students and employees, while ensuring the efficiency, safety and sustainability of TAFE facilities.


Being the largest single order of DX Elevators to date, the KONE team had to navigate the design and ordering of 60 units simultaneously, whilst working within student and teaching timetables at live TAFE locations. Many of the existing lifts were not in operation due to age and condition, with some very old buildings requiring structural steel to be added. This presented some logistical challenges for teams, with locations spanning both regional and metro NSW locations.

The experience and professionalism of all KONE teams involved ensured works were undertaken with care, and delivered by 30 June 2022




"I was greeted in the carpark one morning with “you should see our new lift” and a huge grin from a teacher who previously had to climb 5 floors from the lower ground car park to his office on the top floor – saving him 131 stairs.
The new lift is very quiet and quick too and so smooth you can’t even feel when you’ve landed at your floor.Thanks to the whole team for making life at Granville a little bit easier!"

"Can I just say how beautiful and awesome our new lift is in P Block! It's like stepping into a rocket ship! I LOVE IT!"

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