Upgrades and modernisation

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4 signs your lift needs modernising

Like any other piece of electrical or mechanical equipment, an elevator eventually needs to be replaced or thoroughly repaired. Here are some signs that your lift may be due for a tune up.

Is your elevator often out of order?

A modernised elevator reduces repair costs.

Is the car small and cramped?

A new elevator can increase car space by up to 50%.

Does the lift stop level with the floor?

Uneven levelling poses a safety risk.

Is the interior in poor condition?

A smart, new elevator interior adds value to your building.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Just like any other piece of machinery, your elevator will need modernising at some point during its lifetime. This can range from smaller component upgrades or replacement of individual systems, to full elevator replacement. It is an investment that pays off in increased safety, improved reliability and style, and lower energy costs.

  • Old elevators may not have been designed or specified to meet the standards and regulations of today’s equipment. They may not have a communication system, so people can’t call for help in an emergency. Finally, an old elevator might not stop level with the landing, which can cause people to trip on the door sill.

  • The first step is to discuss it among members of your building’s strata committee and with your facility manager. If you decide that modernisation and upgrades may be necessary, get in touch with us to arrange a free, no-obligation assessment. The final decision is made by the strata committee and facility manager.

  • The first step is planning. This defines the scope of the modernisation and the best way to implement it. Once the strata members decide to proceed, we do the final installation planning before removing the old equipment and installing the new elevator.

  • About two to six weeks on average, depending on the solution. If your lift only requires component or modular upgrades, these can be done in just a few days, whereas the full replacement of a lift takes longer.

  • We always plan the modernisation process so that people can live and move around the building safely while the work is going on.


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