Australia and Sydney especially are producing some noteworthy additions to modern urban landscapes and CTBUH 2017 promises to showcase many of these showcase projects throughout the event.
Sydney – a jewel in Australia’s crown
Sydney ranks 34th in world cities with the most skyscrapers, trailing its rival Melbourne by three spots at 31. It’s distinctive and world-famous skyline complemented by its beautiful harbour make it one of most appreciated urban vistas around the globe.
Some noteworthy stats about Sydney
924 high-rise buildings
153 skyscrapers
96 low-rise buildings
7 buildings with towers
2 bridges
1 observation tower
1 modern-day architectural marvel of the world
See the Sydney of the future
Check out Sydney’s upcoming skyscrapers at the city’s offices located behind Sydney Town Hall where you’ll find a 3-D maquette of Sydney’s CBD complete with skyscrapers in production and those with planning approval.
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