n keeping with the notion of
sharing and interacting, the Finn-
ish pavilion at the World Expo
has adopted the theme: ‘Sharing
Inspiration’. The pavilion itself,
Kirnu (Giant’s Kettle), has been de-
signed by architectural office JKMM
and is something of a floating island
cauldron, melding the naturally-
evolved and the human-formed – the
organic and the high-tech – in a way
in which Finnish designers seem to
excel. As in interactive exhibitions,
sounds and imagescapes of the calm
interior space convey how Finland
defines and envisions a better life and
a better city, focusing on well-being,
competence and the environment.
The showpiece for KONE as a
national partner of the Finnish pa-
vilion will be the specially-designed
elevator by the KONE Design team.
This striking customized elevator is as
elegant and poetic as a Chinese lan-
tern after which it is so aptly named,
but the accent is purely Finnish, from
The Finnish pavilion portrays the
country in miniature, representing
both Finland and its society. The
architecture draws its inspiration
from Finnish nature and offers a
quiet refuge from busy city life.
The pavilion floats over water
and is a showcase for sustainable
building, presenting Finnish solu-
tions for future urban construc-
tion. The building covers ap-
proximately 3,000 square meters.
KONE solutions include a one-of-
a-kind nature-inspired elevator.
continued from page 8